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Aussie Volume Tribe Party

Hello lovelies
On Thursday morning I jumped on a train heading North to travel up to Manchester as I had kindly been invited by Sinead to be her guest for the Aussie Angel Volume Tribe Party. After umming & ahhing about it (due to work) I manged to get a few days off and kindly accepted the amazing offer to join her and some other gorgeous blogging ladies

The event was held at Bluu bar in Manchester and the Aussie girls did such an amazing job at setting the room up and organising a fabby event. I have never been/invited to an event before so it was all new & exciting as well as feeling a bit nervous all at the same time.
The night consisted of cocktails, tips & tricks on to get lovely big hair, scrummy food, fantastic singing entertainment, karaoke and of course more cocktails ♥

I shall be doing another post on me & the other girlies night out photos, so watch out for that very soon.
I'd just like to once again thank Emma, and the other amazing Aussie ladies for a fantastic night as well as all the girls I met there as they were true beauts


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