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Topshop ♥

[Information from]
Since Topshop Launched in 1964 it has become a huge fashion success, and it's brave approach to fashion has made it the no1# high street shop for both everyday shoppers & industry insiders alike.
Now with over 300 UK stores and a growing 100 international stores, Topshop can't seem to do anything wrong. It is the worlds largest fashion store on the high street and attracts over 200,000 shoppers each week!
Topshop got even bigger in 2005, when their in-house collection 'Unique' became the first high street retailer to show during London Fashion week.
The attitude, bold product and individuality of Topshops range has won it a legion of loyal fans. More big stores are planned to help the high street legend expand even further and get even more popular.

Hello lovelies
As you can see, today I thought I'd chat a bit about Topshop
I think it's more than obvious that I love Topshop, and it is one of my favourite stores. I however am aware that many people don't like Topshop, for different reasons. So, I thought I'd get your thoughts on the matter
YAY :)
NA :(
The main reason I have come across why people don't like Topshop seems to be the price, and I don't think any body can get away from it. For a high street store, the prices are not cheap compared to Primark and Newlook. However compare the prices to Miss Selfridge, Warehouse and River Island I think they are roughly the same.
I am a girl who can't and probably never will be able to afford any designer clothes, I will keep admiring them from the hanger & keep dreaming. I think Topshop gives me the chance to look 'designer & catwalk' in the ranges they bring out, I personally think Topshop it very fashion forward. As well as this, I think it has a lot of key pieces that can help you create your own style. It's not all about following trends, you need to have a style of your own that will go through each trend and that you're able to put your own stamp on.
This brings me up to another point that a recall someone saying, it's that if you buy something from Topshop everyone is going to have it. I believe this is true in some sense, but it's also no different to if you buy anything on the high street, of course you will see people in it. I think it's how you put it together in an outfit, that will show how YOU want to wear it.
I'm very happy to pop into Topshop, and 9 times out of 10 I will fall in love with something (usually more than 1 thing) and I know when I wear it I will feel good about myself & what I'm wearing. I do however know Topshop is not every ones cup or hot chocolate, and of course 'each to their own'. We can't all be the same, it just wouldn't be right.
Topshop is of course in my wardrobe but shops such as, Newlook & Primark are too. I can't get enough of Primark at the moment and I think its stepped its game up and has on trend bits for cheap prices, that no one can say no to. I think the thought of Topshop attracts me more than actually buying from there. I think soon Topshop will be a very small portion of my wardrobe, and I will learn to live without it, but for now I am happy with the clothes I have bought there & will keep browsing as I always do.
I'd love to know what you all think, not just about Topshop, but about all the high street stores & your wishlist items at the moment

Kurtlar Vadisi Pusu 81. Bölüm Full

TEH TARIK!! bagus sangat ker???

Anda pengemar Teh? Pastinya anda tersenyum sampai ke pipi mendengar khabar berita ini. Menurut satu penelitian yang di lakukan oleh pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO). Didapati teh mengandungi pelbagai khasiat dan manfaat yang amat berguna. Antara manfaat teh sebenarnya amat banyak, Antaranya seperti yang tercatat di bawah:-

1. Teh mampu membangkitkan semangat, meningkatkan daya pemikiran dan ingatan seseorang.

2. teh beruapaya menghilangkan rasa letih, meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh, memelihara fungsi jantung, pembuluh darah, usus dan hati.

3. Minum teh mampu mencegah kerosakan gigi, Dikatakan amalan meminum teh pada kanak-kanak dapat mengurungkan risiko kerosakan gigi sebanyak 60%

4. Minum teh dapat menghambatkan sel penuaan. Kesan antipenuaan yang terdapat didalam daun teh adalah 18kali ganda komposisinya daripada vitamin E

5. Minum teh dapat memperlahan dan menyekat pembentukan lemak pada selaput dalam pembuluh darah, mencegah pengerasan pembuluh nadi, tekanan darah tinggi dan penyumbat pembuluh darah pada otak.

6. Minum teh dapat merangsangkan saraf pusat dan merangsangkan kekuatan gerakan tubuh.

7. Amalan minum teh berupaya menurunkan berat badan dan menjaga kecantikan

8. Minum teh di percayai dapat mengatasi masalah katarak yang biasa dialami oleh mereka yang berusia. Tidak hanya dengan itu, ia juga boleh dijadikan penawar untuk mengubati radang rongga mulut dan radang rongga kerongkong yang kerap menyerang pada musim panas.

9. Minum teh dapat melindungi fungsi pembentukan darah. Daun teh mengandungi zat proteksi radiasi, Menonton televisyen sambil minum teh dikatakan dapat mengurangi bahaya radiasi televisyen sekali gus melindungi daya penglihatan anda.

10. Minum Teh dapat memelihara dan mengawal pengaliran darah dalam tubuh.

11. Air teh mudah di serap segera dalam tubuh dan di oksida.

12. Menyejukkan tubuh dan menurunkan suhu badan. Dikatakan selepas sembilan minit minum teh hangat, suhu tubuh menurun sebanyak 1 hingga 2 darjah Celsius.

13. Daun Teh mengandungi banyak unsur mikronutrien yang amat bermanfaat untuk tubuh.

14. Daun teh berupaya mengekang pertumbuhan sel kanser

sumber :

aku jugak suka minum ini teh
lagik sedap aku minum teh mak aku yang buat
pergh berasap sampai ke telinga beb
sila datang rumah aku merasa hasil tangan teh tarik mak aku

alamat rumah aku

inilah rumah aku, silala datang..

On the opposite coast of sadness Is something called a smile

On the opposite coast of sadness
Is something called a smile

On the opposite coast of sadness

is something called a smile
But before we can go there,

is there something we’re waiting for?

In order to chase our dreams,
we can’t have a reason to run away

We’ve got to go, to that far away summer’s day

If we find it tomorrow, we can’t sigh

Because like a boat that opposes the stream

we have to walk straight on

In a place worn down by sadness

something called a miracle, is waiting
Yet we are still searching

for the sunflower that grows at the end of spring

The warrior who awaits the morning light

before he can clasp it with red nails, his tears glitter and fall

Even if we’ve grown used to loneliness

only relying on the light of the moon

We have to fly away with featherless wing

just go foward, just a little further

As the rainclouds break
the wet streets sparkling

Although it brings only darkness

A powerful, powerful light

helps push us to walk on

credit to :

bila hati tersentuh
perasaan menjadi sayu

sayu pabila teringat

satu kisah
yang bertajuk
"1 litre of tears"
ketabahan seorang pelajar wanita bangkit
dalam melawan penyakit yang meyerang dirinya

penyakit saraf (
spinocerebellar degeneration )
yang menyebabkan kita akan hilang upaya secara perlahan-lahan

bermula dengan hilang keseimbangan dalam badan

akan terdorong seseorang itu mudah jatuh

diikuti dengan hilang upaya genggaman

kaki menjadi bengkok menyukarkan lagi pergerakan

bila kaki sudah tidak mampu untuk berjalan
berkerusi roda menjadi teman
apabila tulang belakang sudah tidak mampu menyokong badan

katil pula setia menemai sehingga akhir hayatnya

begitu perit menghidap penyakit saraf

picture - sumber ihsan pacik g0ogle -

pesanan cik vc::

kita yang berupaya melakukan aktiviti dan dihindari sebarang penyakit
seharusnya menikmati kenikmatan itu sepenuhnya
dengan mensyukuri segala kurnian-Nya

**sapa ad citer ini, sila email pada cik vc sebab aku da kehilangan cd citer ni ='((

weekend yang marvellous

weekend kali ini aku berada di kolej...
jarang sebenarnya aku dok kat kolej time weekend2 nih...

biasanya aku akan terus cabut lari ke rumah...
tapi kali ini aku tidak bole lari seperti biasa kerana kaki ku sudah dirantai agar duk di depan meja untuk 'study'...

akan study ke aku nih?
konpius plak...

hakikat terima atau xley terima, aku kene study gak...
aku ada EXAM hari AHAD nih....
hari AHAD beb!!!!
mengapa hari AHAD??
nape x hari kuliah??

walau sebanyak mana aku rungut, exam tetap dijalankan hari ahad...
pasrah dan kita harus terimanya...

satu lagi EXAM menanti...
hari RABU....

wish me luck blogger....

arigato gozaimasu (-_-)



peristiwa-peristiwa penting di bulan Rabiul Awal - Maulidur Rasul-


Bulan Rabiulawal bermaksud bulan dimana bermulanya musim bunga bagi tanaman. Mengikut kebiasaannya di Tanah Arab, sewaktu bulan Rabiulawal pokok buah-buahan mula berbunga dan seterusnya berbuah.

Maka nama bulan ini diambil sempena musim berbunga tanaman mereka. Dan setelah kedatangan Islam, Rasulullah saw telah mengekalkan nama Rabiulawal ini sehinggalah sekarang.

peristiwa-peristiwa penting di bulan Rabiul Awal

Ada banyak peristiwa penting yang telah dicatatkan oleh sejarah jatuh bangunnya tamadun Islam di dalam bulan Rabiulawal ini dan diantaranya ialah;

  1. Kelahiran junjungan besar kita, Muhammad Rasulullah saw. Mengikut sumber-sumber mengatakan bahawa nabi lahir pada 12 Rabiul Awwal tahun gajah bersamaan 23 April 571M. Ini adalah sumber yang masyhur dan menjadi amalan umat Islam di Malaysia mengadakan sambutan Maulidurrasul pada 12 Rabiul Awwal di setiap tahun sehinggalah sekarang. Walau bagaimanapun ada sumber yang lain mengatakan bahawa nabi lahir pada 9 Rabiul Awwal tahun Gajah. Perbezaan pendapat ini akan disentuh lebih lanjut di bahagian Maulidur Rasul.
  2. Perlantikan Nabi menjadi Rasul. Dibulan Rabiulawal inilah Nabi saw diangkat menjadi Rasul. Ketika ini Nabi saw berumur 40 tahun. Maka dengan ini bermulah dakwah baginda secara rasmi di Makkah al-Mukarramah.
  3. Hijrah Tarikh hijrah adalah tarikh tibanya Rasulullah di Madinah al-Munawwarah pada ketika itu di sebut Yatsrib. Rasulullah sampai di Quba' pada hari Isnin 8 Rabiulawal dan Baginda sampai di Kota Madinah pada hari Jumaat 12 Rabiulawal dan Baginda menunaikan solat Jumaat yang pertama.
  4. Peperangan Banyak peperangan yang telah terjadi pada zaman Rasulullah saw diantara tentera Islam dan tentera kuffar. Diantara peperangan yang berlaku di bulan Rabiulawal ialah peperangan Safwan (Badar pertama), Bawat, Zi Amar (Ghatfan), Bani An-Nadhir, Daumatul Jandal dan peperangan Bani Lahyan.
  5. Wafatnya junjungan besar kita, Muhammad Rasulullah saw. Rasulullah telah wafat pada hari Isnin 12 Rabiulawal 11H bersamaan 7 Jun 632M. Baginda wafat di rumah isterinya Aisyah ra dan dikebumikan di Madinah al-Munawwarah.
  6. Abu Bakar ra. menjadi khalifah Pada hari Rasulullah wafat, para sahabat tidak mahu menangguh urusan pentadbiran kerajaan dan segera membai'ah saidina Abu Bakar ra di Dewan Bani Sa'idah. Ini adalah kerana urusan pentadbiran negara tidak boleh terhenti walau seketika dan ia adalah nadi sesebuah kerajaan. Sebahagian sahabat pula menguruskan pengkebumian jenazah Rasulullah saw yang diketuai oleh Saidina Ali ra Ahli Bait Rasulullah saw.
  7. Pembukaan Iraq Tentera Islam yang dipimpin oleh Khalid Ibni Walid ra telah memasuki Iraq dan bermulalah pemerintahan Islam di bumi Iraq di zaman saidina Abu Bakar ra.
  8. Pembukaan Baitul Muqaddis Salahuddin al-Ayubi telah memimpin tentera Islam menewaskan tentera Salib dan seterusnya membuka pintu bagi pembukaan Baitul Muqaddis pada tahun 583 H.
  9. Kejatuhan Empayar kerajaan Islam Sepanyol Kubu terakhir tentera Islam di Andalusia telah ditumbangkan oleh tentera Sepanyol yang dipimpin oleh Ferdinando dan Isabella pada tahun 897H. Bermulalah kemusnahan tempat-tempat bersejarah warisan umat Islam, masjid-masjid ditukar menjadi gereja dan muzium dan tiada lagi suara azan di negara tersebut.

-sama2 hayati sambutan Maulidur Rasul-

sambungan : satu cerita tentang LOVE

terjalinnya hubungan cinta antara Nabi Adam dan Hawa, maka keturunan manusia dapat membiak hingga ke hari ini. wujudlah kita di hari ini lantaran adanya peranan cinta.

rasa cinta pasti ada pada setiap makhluk yang bernyawa. cuma kadang-kadang manusia ini, terlalu mengikut kehendak cinta, hingga menggagalkan kehidupan mereka. cinta nafsu diturutkan. hingga ada yang sanggup membunuh diri bahkan kadangkala membunuh orang lain kerana cinta.

cinta kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya, adalah sebenar-benar cinta. selainya adalah palsu. cinta kepada apa yang wujud di dunia ini, semuanya tidak kekal. bagaimana kuat hubungan seseorang itu terhadap seseorang yang lain atau kepada benda, semua tidak berpanjangan.

apabila kita mati, apa yang kita cintai akan ditinggalkan di dunia. hanya kain kafan yang layak dibawa ke kubur. selebihnya adalah amalan kerana Allah sahaja yang dapat dijadikan bekalan untuk dihadapkan kepada Allah Yang Maha Kuasa.

selain itu, tiada apa yang dapat menolong kita kecuali amalan-amalan yang diterima Allah.

kembalilah manusia kepada mencintai Allah, dengan mengikut segala perintah Allah. membuat apa yang disuruh dan meninggalkan apa yang dilarang oleh-Nya. disebalik menyintai Allah, manusia lain akan turut menyintai dan menyayangi kita. kejarlah cinta Allah agar kita dicintai!!


sumber : hakikat cinta

-sesungguhnya kita sering alpa dan begitu mencintai duniawi pada hakikat cinta akhirat adalah lebih memberi keuntungan dan kenikmatan-
(sama2 memperbaiki kesilapan diri)

satu cerita tentang LOVE

selesai sudah satu kerja..

nak share satu cerita..

"cintailah cinta yang dihati,
itu cinta yang sejati.
cinta di mata cinta palsu"

'CINTA' suatu perkataan yang tidak asing lagi kepada manusia. manusia tidak boleh lari dari perasaan mencintai ataupun dicintai oleh seseorang. cinta memainkan peranan yang besar dalam kehidupan.

manusia tidak boleh lari dari masalah cinta. apa hakikat cinta yang sebenar. pada siapa hendak meletakkan cinta??

cinta suatu perasaan yang suci yang telah Allah kurniakan pada manusia. manusia berhak untuk meletak atau memberikan cinta kepada sebarang manusia. tetapi biarlah cinta itu selaras dengan kehendak Allah. supaya dengan cinta itu ianya menjadi ibadah kepada kita.

lihatlah, bagaimana Allah mencipta Hawa untuk dijadikan pasangan hidup Nabi Adam. Nabi Adam keresahan hidup di Syurga, kerana tidak mempunyai teman. apabila Nabi Adam menurut kehendak Hawa memakan buah khuldi, lantas terlantar mereka berdua di dunia yang fana.

mungkin ini adalah pengorbanan cinta antara mereka berdua. namun 1000 penyesalan dan taubat telah mereka lakukan. sekarang Allah telah menerima taubat dan penyesalan mereka.


**kita nih bila lagi???

aksi penyu dibawah negeri penyu angin bayu

aksi penyu dibawah negeri penyu angin bayu

apakah maksud tajuk entry nih abaikan sekejap sila skrol ke bawah

korang pernah tengok penyu x?
nak tengok x aksi si penyu cmne?

jeng jeng

aksi penyu comel sedang berenang

berenang lagi
( lihat pada cengkerang penyu, cantik kan? )

berenang lagi

memang sah penyu suka berenang
seperti aku yang suka berenang ( reti berenang sangat la kan =p )

aku teringin mau ada 1 pasang baju renang muslimah
sapa ea yang bole kaci saya sebijik baju renang
i xnak la yang sexy mexy
cukupla kain untuk tutup litup badanku ini

macam baju renang kat bawah ni, cunkan? hitam itu menawan =))

sebenarnya intro entry nih berkaitan dengan penyu ada citer di sebaliknya
cuti midsem sudah selesai aku lengkapi dengan 1 perjalanan dan satu cerita menggamit 1 memori di negeri penyu

negeri penyu kalau lain xbukan mestilah negeri TERENGGANU DARUL IMAN
sebabnya kat terengganu la kita boleh melihat satu hidupan kurniaan Allah yang bernama PENYU
tapi sayang kuantiti penyu sekarang tidak sebanyak penyu pada zaman dahulu
hidupan penyu semakin pupus dan terancam
gamba2 nun di atas sana di ambil semasa aku pergi menghantar adik ke uitm Dungun

sebelum ni setiap kali coti midsem pasti aku penuh setia berada di rumah ku yang terletak di pinggiran shah alam dan berdekatan klang
sangat setia duduk dalam rumah

tapi coti kali ini seminggu aku duduk di negeri terengganu
jadi orang terengganu sekejap beb..hoho

duduk di rumah sahabat bernama cik ashiya
nama konon nak jepun tapi orang pure terengganu rupanya =P

alkisah menghabiskan masa di pantai timur seminggu seharian berjalan mengenali dunia terengganu dan bercampur dengan orang kampung terengganu
susah juga untuk menyelami orang yang berdialek ni
sebabnya kita da biasa dengan bahasa standard terpaksa mendengar dialek lain yang tidak sebati dengan jiwa

seminggu berlalu, walaupun xdapat paham sepenuhnya, atleast paham jugak la sket2 dialek ganu..hoho
nak nyampuk cakap, memang la xreti
susah jugak
aku yang berketurunan jawa ni pon xlepas nak speaking jawa..

dalam tempoh ke terengganu, aku dibawa ke masjid kristal yang terletak di TAMAN TAMADUN ISLAM (TTI)
keindahan masjid kini semakin menyerlah
aku merasa kagum

dalam TTI ini, ada 21 buah monumen ISLAM yang hebat
Taj Mahal yang terletak di India
Masjid Nabawi yang terletak di Madinah
kiblat utama orang Islam iaitu Masjidil Haram semestinya terletak di Mekah
dan beberapa monomen lain

tidak rugi memasuki ruang TTI ini walaupun bayaran sebanyak RM 15
sangat mengujakan
sangat takjub
sangat kagum

geng2 blogger yang belum jejak ke negeri terengganu, ambil la masa untuk ke TTI ini
banyak monomen yang dapat kita lihat
sambil 2 boleh bercoti di pulau yang ada di Terengganu

pulau kapas antara pulau yang aku pernah jejak
melakukan snorkeling sangat mengujakan
melihat ikan berenang di dasar laut begitu indah
menyejukkan hati
pemikiran jadi tenang melihat keindahan alam ciptaan-Mu

dalam pemikiran kini, tidak sabar untuk menjejakkan kaki di pulau redang pula

REDANG tunggulah kehadiranku

satu perkara yang sudah lama aku tidak selami, berjalan di tepi pantai sambil mendengar deruan ombak, kicauan burung, menyentuh lembut pasir pantai, men ghirup udara nyaman
sangat menenangkan jiwa yang separa mental
dengan pukulan ombak di badanku, maka lenyaplah segala kekeliruan, kekacauan
lenyap dibawa arus ombak kuat

da stat jiwang da...
abaikan kata2 jiwang yang menusuk itu!! =p

aku berkesempatan juga menjejakkan kaki di pantai
seronok merasa pukulan ombak
sudah lama tidak merasa air masin laut
arigato gozaimasu cik ashiya mizuki =)0

coti seminggu sudah habis
perjuangan peperiksaan pula bermula
belajar tidak pernah kenal erti putus
semoga aku berjaya menempuhnya
(boleh dikira pantun x?)

nota tangan :::abaikan bahasa yang tunggang langgang tu:::

Outfit Of The Night-18th Febuary 2010

Hello my lovelies :)
On Thursday I had a night out in Reading with my boyfriend & some of his Uni friends. There was lots of drinking, dancing and funness
. My makeup and outfit is nothing special, but I just thought I'd show you it....

I realise you can't actually see my whole outfit, I'm sorry! No full lenth photo's were actually taken of me
My Outfit:
♥ BOOTS- Matalan
♥ BAG- Topshop

Whats everyones plans for today? I think I may have a lazy Sunday, however the shops are calling me :)
Hope you've all had a good weekend

Happily Ever After ♥

Hello Lovelies
A few people have done posts on the story of their relationships & I thought I'd go ahead and jump right on.
I'll warn you now this is going to be photo heavy, so here goes...
Me & Sam met on the internet- yup, cheesy, gross, idiots- whatever you wanna call it, but it's true. We chatted for a while about everything & anything and then when we moved on to texting each other he asked me out on a date. That date was 2 years ago to the date, Valentines Day 2008! We went to the cinema to watch Jumper, I told him he swore a lot & at the end of the night I went in for a kiss which I barely got. I never went looking for Sam, and after a year of being single after a 3 and half year relationship, it just kind of happened!
Luckily the kiss didn't scare him away and we spent more and more time together & just enjoyed each others company.
A few months after we go together we went to Bournemouth for a long weekend, this was the start of many a trip away with each other! We (I mainly) love getting away from it all & going somewhere, just the 2 of us.
*Bournemouth was really eye-opening as it was our first time away & really alone together-he also realised how snap happy I was*
In the Summer we then ventured for a cheap holiday to Lanzarote
*Lanzarote is one of my favrouite holidays, I love it there & going with Sam was the best first holiday 'with a boy' I could of imagined*
From that time on I think his parents knew I was going to be 'bad' for him, as we did a lot of things he'd never done before, to this day his parents still hate me- hay ho!
Sam then decided (yup just like that) that he wanted to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in August 2008, being without him for 2 weeks was really hard as we hadn't had to do it before, let alone knowing that he was going to climb a shit ass mountin! I was so excited when he came home and suprised him by meeting him at the airport.
From the first time we met I knew Sam was always going to go to Uni, he is 2 years younger than me and so our first September together was his first year there. This however never really felt real until it was staring us in the face.
*For a present after Kili & before going to Uni we stayed at the Royal Marriot hotel in Bristol. Most gorgeous hotel we have ever stayed in. We did some shopping, went to the posh hotel restraunt & visited Bristol Zoo*

When he first went to Uni we both found it stupidly hard, however I ended up visiting a lot and so we saw each other more than we first expected to. Neither of us ever thought about breaking up just because he was going to Uni. His Uni is only down the motorway and even though it's not close it's not as far as they can get either. I think I now love Uni more than Sam does, as I just get to have the fun & no work. I loved his first year housemates and hopefully he is moving back in with them in year3-so I'm excited for this :)
*Uni is Uni at the end of the day, so drinking & fancy dress is something that happens a lot*
We were both happy when Christmas came and knew that we would be fine. I think our relationship is stronger now, and even though I miss him when I don't see him, I love him more, and it's so much more special when we do see each other again.
*For my 21st Birthday in January 2009, we went to Edinburgh. This was also where our Hard Rock Cafe obsession started*
The holiday love of mine soon kicked back in and I NEEDED to go back to Florida. My parents took me and my sister in 1998, 1999 & 2001 (I know we were very lucky) however it wasn't until we went back in 2006 that I truely fell in love with it, and as we all know, Disney just makes me heart flutter!
*Just like that it was booked, 2 weeks in the Sunshine state with Donald & Mickey :) in April 2009*

That holiday was the best of my life and we are hoping to go back next September after Sam has graduated. We have lots of saving to do, to make this happen though.
Sams first Year of Uni went well and after Florida all we could really think about was the summer & him finishing his 1st year.
*Finally the Bucks May ball came and I got him back all summer long ♥ *
Last summer was totally amazing and we did so many fun things together, it also seemed to last for ever which obvouisly made me a happy girly having a boy all to my self.
As we had spent ££££ on Florida we knew we wouldn't be getting a 'proper' holiday in the Summer, however me being me, we still went away on a few cheap trips
*We went to Newquay for a few nights, stayed in the worst hotel & it rained ALOT*

*We also went camping in Oxfordshire for 3 nights at the end of August. This was lots of fun, and we want to do it again this year & bring the dogs*

Summer came and went and so we were getting ready for Sams 2nd year. He had a new flat (the one he's in at the moment) and new house mates who I don't really like that much, but there we go!
*Sams Birthday is at the end of September & we went up to Manchester for 2 nights for it. Meeting 2 of his friends who go to Uni up there*
During the summer Sam had been training to become a Special Constable, he also studies Police Studies at Uni.
*In October 2009 he passed out and become Special Constable Sam-PROUD MUCH!*

Christmas came quickly and again we spent a lot of quality time together, which in a way makes it worse when we go to leaving each other again
*At my works Christmas Party 2009*

Before he scooted back off to Uni, we celebrated my Birthday by visiting Cardiff and getting drunk with the friendlings
*Us on my 22nd Birthday outing- January 2010*
And so, here we are! I've not been able to get up to his Uni as much as I would like to this year, but he is comming home more & I know our love stays strong *passes puke bucket!* It is our 2 year Aniversary on the 25th Febuary and I can not imagine life without him, he makes me- me!
Sorry if you've hated this post, but hope you've enjoyed getting to know me & my boy a bit more

♥ Happy Valentines Day ♥ The night before...

Morning Ladies
Happy Valentines day to you all! Hope you are all having great days, what ever your doing. I'm having a PJ day and not a lot else. The boy is at Uni, and so I just get the presents without the romance.
I've been treating my self through the week also with different blog sales, and took a little trip to Asda yesterday, still managing to pick up a few things- so I will do a collective haul when I recieve all my goodies

Last night I went out for my friends 22nd Birthday, it was a really good drunken night & she enjoyed her self lots. Just thought I'd show you what I wore & looked like, plus a couple of photos of the drunken state we were in ENJOY:
I wore my gorgeous 'Afternoon Tea' necklace from Claire at FashionTeller, if you want to take a look at more of her bits then please let me know & I'll link you to her. She will soon be making a Barbie & Alice In Wonderland collection. I also wore my lace Primark dress that I bought in the week with black tights.
My face is really flushed in the first pictures as I get stressed getting ready for a night out. I used my Sleek Sunset palette for my eyes, as well as being a bit different with my Primark gel black liner, teamed with bronzer and highlight, Bad Gal Lash- There we have it!
I roller my hair to give it a bit of volume, even though it dies soon after!

Did any one go out last night? Hope your not hungover now.
Enjoy the rest of Valentines Day

Face Of The Evening....

Hello there my dears
So as you know from my rant yesterday, me & Maxime went to the Barry M 'Pamper Party' at Superdrug-please feel free to read *looks down* the post on how pants it was. I was going to show you what I wore, but due to the lack of good photos, it is mainly my face & hair. I didn't wanna try too hard but wanted to look good at the same time. Maxime however looked HOT! So I was jelous of her.
My look....

What I wore:
♥ Black Leggings (not shown)
♥ Strip Topshop short dress/top
♥ Black plain cardie
♥ Primark coat
My Makeup:
♥ Normal concealar/foundation/powder routine (as on other FOTD)
♥ Benefit Throb
♥ Mac Hello Kitty beauty powder in Pretty Baby
♥ 17 eyeshadow in Vintage
♥ Primark eye pencil in Electric Blue
♥ Maybelline Colossal Mascara
♥ e.l.f Lip define & shaper in Nude & Natural
♥ NYX Lip colour in Rea
♥ Sexy Mother Pucker lipgloss in Nude

I am so happy it's Friday & the weekend is here. Is anyone doing anything fun or exciting, as it is Valentines day (all over rated if you ask me, but I'm still expecting a pressie-hehe). I am off out with the girlies 2moro night & plan to chill and relax after a stressful one today!
Love to all my readers & followers as always

holiday is today ** today is holiday **

today is holiday

akhirnya istilah cuti istilah holiday muncul jua dalam hidup aku

yahoo..................... =)0

jom date ngan 'ombak'

owh ombak
bayangmu mula menghampiri ku
aku semakin dekat denganmu
tunggula aku untuk seketika saat
kini kita bertemu jua
setelah seabad lama perpisahan kita


p/s - hepy holiday utk semua - masa cuti, ronggeng, ronggeng gak - tapi ronggeng ngan buku jgn lupa - pas cuti, bertimbun xam - haiya - *-*

jumpa semula selepas cuti, bakal merindui coretan hati, ko jgn rndu tuan VC ko ni ek..

Barry M Pamper Party & Haul...

Evening Lovelies :)
So I thought I'd let you know about the Barry M pamper party that me and Maxime went to at our local Superdrug store. A few people had been talking about it and when Max sent me this link: I thought it was a go go situation. FREE goodies, 10% off in store, makeup artists & being pampered- what more could you ask for? I don't like to moan too much (and I've done a fair bit already anyway) but basically this event was shocking and nothing like how they described it on the blog. I thought it was a real shame, and could have been so good, but NO! The main problems for me: *Shitty Superdrug staff *Paying £5 to get the goodie bag when they said it was free *Getting no Barry M goodies in the goodie bag at all *Having a random girl stick stuff on your face & hand out impulse spray! I would have spent over £5, goodie bag or no goodie bag, because due to the 10% off (the only good thing about the brief spell we spent there) I wanted to get a few bits anyway. So that didn't worry me too much, but when I found out what was in it I got slightly annoyed. I got even more annoyed when I found out the mini hair straightners that were in the bag were from a previous FABULOUS promotion and so obvouisly just spares they needed to get rid of. This what I recieved in the 'goodie-bag'...
2 Skinny Cow hot chocolates, 2 Chupa Chups, 2 KitKat Senses and the FABULOUS mini pink hair straightners.
So basically the over all event left me DISAPPOINTED! Did any one else go to one of the events, and how did you find it? Better than my experince I hope

♥ On to the good bits :) 10% off at Superdrug=Stephy needs to buy! To be honest I didn't buy loads...
Barry M nail paint in Bright Purple
Maybelline Colossal Mascara 100% Black
GOSH 134 Lipstick Darling
I'm happy with my purchases, I love The Barry M nail paints and I've been eyeing this colour up for a while now. The mascara came back into my life a few months ago (I forgot I had it) but it was getting a bit clumpy & gross so a new one was needed, I almost love it as much as Bad Gal Lash. As for GOSH Darling, I have been tempted so many times, so thought 'what the hell'.

What happened next I also blame Barry M/Superdrug for: As we spent all of 5mins there, there was still time to visit Primark ♥
They made me spend money & even though it's Primark it's still money I shouldn't have spent. But things are too pretty to miss!
What I bought: ♥ Cream Blazer with striped turn up sleeves £13
♥ Cream lace dress £15
♥ Pink & black flower grips £1

Have you bought anything from Primark that your in love with recently?

ombak menyeru namaku-sabar wahai ombak-

menghitung hari detik demi detik
cik violet,
menghitung hari apakah?

of kosla menghitung hari nak cuti xkan menunggu hari naik pelamin...
oho...tang tu lama lagi na...

wah..sikit lagi masa tiba nya cuti midsem sekali harung dengan tahun baru cina aka chinese new year...

jeng jeng jeng...
di saat kaum cina sibuk menguruskan perayaan mereka..
aku pon mesti la wajib sibuk menguruskan percutianku..
walaupun kerja melambak-lambak setinggi gunung everest, exam pula beratur menunggu giliran, perjalanan cuti mesti diisi dengan sepenuhnya...

ha...cuti kali nih...
ada satu tempat ingin ku tuju...
tempat tu aku pilih untuk melarikan diri dari rumah...
jangan gtau sape2 ea aku nak lari nih...

xsabar rasa nak lari nih....
nak dapatkan ketenangan jiwa, fizikal dan mental...
sambil tu mau gi bertapa kat tempat yang sunyi sepi sambil mendengar deruan ombak...
owh ombak...
sabar menanti kehadiranku...
akan ku pergi mendekatimu..
untuk menghabiskan masa bersamamu...

ombak di mana...
jeng jeng jeng....

hope percutian kali ini dapat mengurangkan kusut di dada. sEmOgA.

nota kaki : aku ini wanita biasa bisa sakit kerana THESIS...

Kurtlar Vadisi Pusu 80. Bölüm Full

swim oh swim


sape nak ikot g swimming??




perhatian kepada student UKM y ada blog..penting!!

siapa rasa dia budak ukm,
pastu die mempunyai akaun blog,
sila klik laman web di bawah,

pas klik register la,

tujuannya untuk kumpulkan semua link2 korang (pelajar ukm) dan letak di entri ini.
korang perlu beri link blog, then sertakan dengan nama kolej korang.

mudah je kan.

yang xnak join pon xpa.
xda paksaan.

welcome to the blogger ukm.

Makeup Storage...

So Hi
I've seen a few people show their makeup storage on posts and videos, and as I've recently bought some new draws I just thought I'd show you mine.
I don't have a lot of makeup (not half as much as some anyway) and so I've never needed a lot of storage, I however have just traded in my Poundland draws for something a bit more pretty & bigger. Both sets of draws are from WH SMITH, I got the top smaller ones just after Christmas, they were in the sale for £5. The bottom bigger ones have just been purchased and were more expensive at £14.99. My room theme is mainly just pink & cream so I think these go nicely :) My mirror is one of my most loved things & it is from Paperchase about a year ago. The little box under my mirror is just from a charity shop & it's where I hold all my makeup bags and brush roll. My makeup brushes sit on top of the draws in their fairly new ELF makeup pot and my Barry M nail paints slide on top of the bottom draws.
One day I hope to own some amazing Muji storage, but until then these do very well :)
Hope you liked the post and I look forward to hearing & seeing your makeup storage

E. coli = Escherichia coli

apa yang korang paham pasai E.coli nih? meh aku kaci info cket....

Escherichia coli
, atau ringkasnya E. coli. E.coli adalah sejenis bakteria yang terdapat dalam usus besar manusia. Kebanyakan E. coli tidak berbahaya, tetapi E. coli seperti E. Coli tipe O157:H7, boleh mengakibatkan keracunan makanan yang serius kepada manusia. E. coli yang tidak berbahaya dapat menguntungkan manusia dengan menghasilkan vitamin K2 atau boleh mencegah bakteria lain di dalam usus.
(sumber info: wikipedia jek)

sebenarnye aku xnak ar bercerita sangat pasal sejarah E.coli nih.
korang pon ley je suh pacik google carik kan.
perkara utama nak suh korang sebut E.coli ni secara sexy mexy....
pe y korang sebut??

dapat x???


sengal x??


**ni la salah satu lawak masa kuliah siang tadi**
Prof Yang amek cite nih mase prof pi conference dengan VC UTM


amek y positif jek........


gila meroyan


gambar : sumber ihsan pacik google tersayang

Face Of The Night & Outfit Of The Day...

Hello Beauts :)
Hope you are all well this sunny monring! I woke up with a cold :( but my new boots have arrived YAY

Just thought I'd show you what my face looked like from last night. It was a work friends Birthday and so we went to an all you can eat buffet style restraunt, it was yummy. At work I look GROSS! I honestly don't care what I look like, my hair is up & I hardly ever wear makeup, so when I go out with the girlies from work I try to look nice, just to show them I'm not a total tramp...
My Makeup: ♥ Benefit Boiing #2
&hearts e.l.f under eye concealer LIGHT
♥ 17 Sheer Moisture foundation MEDIUM
♥ 17 Pressed Powder NICELY NATURAL
♥ 17 Instant Glow bronzer MEDIUM
♥ 17 Blush Powder ?(light pink)
♥ 17 Glitter eye shadow ?(brown)
♥ 17 Yeah Baby eye shadow VINTAGE
♥ Primark Bang Of Bold eye pencil PURPLE SURGE
♥ Benefit Bad Gal Lash BLACK
♥ 17 eye brow pencil NATURAL BROWN
♥ Barry M Lipstick 100 (it comes out more pinker that in the photo)

Today I'm on a night shift, so I don't try to hard & usually just wear what evers comfy because I know I'm going to be changing into my uniform soon after. As I took a walk around the highstreet, checking some of the charity shops out (didn't find much) I thought I'd show you what I wore...
What I wore: ♥ Purple jumper H&M
♥ Black leggings NEWLOOK
♥ Black NEW BOOTS :) Priceless shoes online

Thanks to those who have entered my giveaway so far


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