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Wendi Deng Video

When an activist attempted to hit Rupert Murdoch with shaving cream at today’s phone-hacking hearing, Murdoch’s wife Wendi Deng jumped up immediately to defend him.
Murdoch, who with his son James and protege Rebekah Brooks testified about the phone-hacking scandal at News of the World, was sitting next to his son James and in front of the members of Parliament (MPs). His assailant, self-identified on Twitter as an activist and standup comic, goes by the pseudonym Jonnie Marbles.
Marbles was sitting four rows back in the room when he walked to the front of the room with a paper plate covered in shaving foam and then “smacked it in Rupert’s face,”according to Guardian journalist Jane Martinson, who was in the room at the time.
As the Marbles moved toward Murdoch, cries of “No,” could be heard around the room.
Immediately, Deng jumped up and, Martinson said, “immediately returned fire.”
The Guardian reports conflicting reports of the response, but all agree that Deng took the plate and threw it back at Marbles. By most accounts, Deng first attempted to slap or hit the assailant, though at least one account says that another woman hit him first.
The hearing was suspended for twenty minutes as Murdoch cleaned off and returned without his jacket.
“Your wife has a very good left hook,” Labour MP Tom Watson told Murdoch.
Check out the video below of Wendi Deng responding to the attacker. Note: the attack and response occur largely off-camera, unfortunately.

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