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Tan Jee Say

Another Singaporean has shown interest in running for President.
Former civil servant and opposition politician Tan Jee Say was seen at the Elections Department this morning collecting forms for the presidential eligibility certificate.
Mr Tan said in a press statement that he believed many Singaporeans wanted "a non-PAP President whose independence of the PAP is clear, obvious and cannot be in doubt".
Mr Tan believes he is eligible because of his experience as regional managing director of AIB Govett Asia from Feb 1997 to March 2001. Mr Tan was the company's most senior officer then. AIB Govett Asia is a Singapore-registered asset management company, managing assets in excess of $100 million.
He also contested in the May 7 General Election as a Singapore Democratic Party candidate in Holland-Bukit Timah GRC.
The three other potential candidates for the Presidential Election are former PAP members Dr Tony Tan, Dr Tan Cheng Bock and Mr Tan Kin Lian.
Dr Tony Tan and Mr Tan Kin Lian have already filed their applications for the certificate of eligibility (COE), while Dr Tan Cheng Bock told my paper that he was likely to submit his forms "within the next few weeks".
The Presidential Election must be held by August 31 as the current term ends on Sep 1. President S R Nathan has said he would not seek re-election for a third term after 12 years as Singapore's President.

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