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Famous Quotes

Whether you are a celebrity or not, being a mom is definitely the most amazing experience that a woman will ever go through in her life. The minute a child is brought into this world, the mother sets out on a journey that is a complete emotional roller coaster, but worth every second of the ride.
Celeb moms may be high profile, but they love their kids and experience the ups and downs of parenthood just like the rest of us. Just because everyone knows who you are and you happen to have a very luxurious lifestyle does not make you exempt from the feelings of joy, unconditional love, and fear that exist while raising your children.
There are plenty of famous quotes from celebrity moms about motherhood. One of my favorites is from Sheryl Crow. She may not have biologically given birth to her two boys, but it’s easy to tell just how connected she feels to both of her adopted sons.

In regards to being a mom, Sheryl made the following comment after welcoming her first child into her family:
“Wyatt [my adopted son] is definitely all mine. Little souls find their way to you whether they’re from your womb or someone else’s.”
Didn’t Sheryl sum up parenthood beautifully?

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