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Election Commission Of India

The North American Punjabi Association (NAPA) which is mouthpiece of Punjabi community settled in United States & Canada has welcomed the long awaited decision of Election Commission of India granting voting rights to non resident Indians (NRI’S).
In a press release issued by the organization from USA,  Satnam Singh Chahal president of NAPA described this as a land mark decision of government of India and it meets the aspirations of Punjabi community and fulfillment of the directives of fundamental rights as enshrined and guaranteed in our sacred constitution.
There are approximately 7 hundred thousand Punjabis living in United States and it is estimated that out of this population 250 thousand are eligible voters and this constitutes representation equivalent to 2 assembly & one parliament constituency in Punjab. To deprive such a vast number of eligible voters for exercising their franchise and participate in election process was not justified in the world’s biggest functional democracy. Although it took long time for government of India to enforce this decision, nevertheless it will have positive impact on the formation of government in Punjab and will be a matter of satisfaction for NRI’S for recognizing their fundamental rights.
As it is a well known fact that Punjabi community NRI”S has played a pivotal role in various development activities in Punjab and in shaping the economy of the state. Granting them voting rights will encourage them further and ensure their involvement in the decision making process of Punjab government. The very fact that following this historical announcement all the political parties of Punjab have started formulating plans to woo this such a big vote bank in their favor. There is hardly a single household in Punjab whose one are more members are not residing in U.S. and with strong bond for their homeland, they are bound to influence the voting pattern in the state.
While expressing his satisfaction for this ordinance of the election commission of India, which is an autonomous entity to foresee election process, the NAPA president Mr. Chahal showed his concern about setting up a proper mechanism for NRI’S to vote without visiting their voting constituency in India. As this is a stupendous task to complete all these formalities.
Chahal believes that it will receive due and timely attention of election commission of India. Discussing this matter in detail Chahal further suggested that to achieve timely successes in arranging registration and voting process, the Indian Embassies and Consulate may be involved along with oversees Indian organizations.
Concluding his press statement the NAPA president, Chahal pledged full support from North American Punjabi association to the election commission of India to help formulate and operate the registration and voting process. He also advised the NRI community to extend their cooperation and full support to the guidelines as formulated by the authorities.

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