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Dukan Diet

Ever since it was reported that Carole Middleton, 55, followed the high-protein Dukan diet to keep her figure super-slim for the royal ­wedding, copies of the book have flown off the shelves.
The Dukan Diet book has enjoyed top rankings in the UK Amazon ­best-seller chart for months, and has been translated into 14 ­languages.
But it is not new diet. ­Created by French doctor Pierre Dukan, it’s been a well-kept secret for the past eight years in France, and is said to have helped more than four ­million women across the Channel shed their unwanted pounds.
And it’s got some pretty high-profile ­followers to boot.
As well as Prince William’s ­mother-in-law Carole, stars ­including Jennifer Lopez, Penelope Cruz, model Gisele Bundchen and opera singer Katherine Jenkins are all said to have tried the food plan.
No wonder they’re so keen – the Dukan diet’s unique selling point is the promise of staying slim for life while eating what you like!
The theory behind the plan
The brainchild of neurologist ­Dr Dukan, this protein-based plan was invented after an obese patient asked for a diet that would really work for a change. The patient’s only request was that he had to be ­allowed to eat meat.
Dr Dukan told the man to eat nothing but protein and drink plenty of water – then come back in a week. When the patient returned a full 10lb ­lighter just five days later, Dukan knew he’d created a pretty effective diet.
As a food lover himself (he is French, after all!) Dukan was keen to avoid a miserable diet consisting of nothing but salads.
Instead, he promises serious weight loss while still ­enjoying unlimited quantities of food.
The Dukan plan ­kick-starts your metabolism with a short attack phase of eating ­unlimited quantities of meat, fish and low-fat dairy, then ­moving on to three ­increasingly less strict ­phases.
Why it’s so effective
● Unlike most diets, Dukan’s not obsessed with calories
As the doctor says: “Calorie counting sets quotas, doses and portions, but it forgets that the people having to follow it are flesh and blood.
“Yes, the most motivated ones may manage to lose weight, but almost all of them will eventually put it back on.”
● Eating protein helps you burn fat – fast!
Ounce for ounce, proteins are ­relatively low in calories when compared to fats and carbs, plus their complex structure means they’re harder to digest.
As a result you burn up more calories processing proteins than any other food, and weight loss is inevitable and swift.
● It could keep you slim for life
According to Dukan, there’s one key reason why diets so often fail in the long term and people end up putting all the weight back on.
“Fad diets may make you lose weight faster but your body reacts to changes in eating habits ­quickly,” he explains.
“It’s a survival tactic. If you skip meals, next time you eat your body will become a sponge and absorb 100% of calories instead of 70%.”
To combat this, the third stage of the Dukan Diet – the Consolidation Phase – provides an important ­period of transition between strict dieting and a return to normal eating.
And according to Dr Dukan, stick to his maintenance plan and you’ll stay slim forever...
Why it beats Atkins
Dr Dukan believes his plan is better than the other high-fat diet.
“Atkins cuts out ­carbohydrates, focusing on fat and protein, which can lead to high cholesterol.
“For my plan to work, you have to eat minimum fat and ­then carbs are reintroduced gradually.”

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